Unclogging septic system. Cleaning and unblocking drain full of disposable wipes and other non biodegradable items.

5 Septic Tank Safety Tips You Shouldn’t Ignore

Septic tank systems are very important and powerful pieces of equipment. However, they also pose an inherent risk; if these systems are neglected and not properly maintained, they can quickly become a hazard to the people and animals around them. The only way to prevent this is by being proactive in your maintenance. If you’re a septic tank owner, then follow these safety tips to protect yourself, your family members, and the environment.

1. Inspect Your Septic System Regularly

Inspect your septic system at least once a year. This is the only way to know if any repairs are needed. Inspect your tank from the top of the ground and ensure no signs of cracks are developing in it or any other problems. Take a look at your filter and make sure that it’s clean. If you notice an issue, be sure to reach out to a licensed septic tank technician for repairs.

2. Install Septic Tank Guards

Even though your septic tank is made of steel, it can still create a dangerous situation if it’s exposed to the environment. Septic tanks aren’t designed for direct contact with soil or water, so you need to protect them when your backyard is wet or if there’s a lot of rain. For this reason, you should always install a cover on the tank’s inlet and outlet. The main point of installing these covers is to prevent your ground from getting contaminated by any septic waste that might be pumped in.

3. Schedule Regular Septic Pumping

Pumping your septic tank is essential. You should get this done by a professional once every three to five years. As part of the septic tank pumping, a professional will clean the filter and inspect your system to ensure it’s not damaged. If you fail to pump your tank regularly, waste accumulates inside, which can lead to blockages.

4. Understand the Structure

A lack of proper understanding of the structure of a septic system leads to various health risks. Septic tanks are vented to the surface through pipes and surrounded by leach fields that drain the effluent waste from the tank into the surrounding environment. The leaching lines have spaces that allow air pockets to form; otherwise, there can be a backup of nasty waste getting back into your system. Never drive over your septic system or dig around your leach field, as you could damage important structural components of your septic system.

5. Prevent Fire and Explosions

Septic tanks are filled with bacteria that produce methane, which can lead to explosions. In the case of a fire, the process is set in motion very quickly, and before you know it, the whole septic system can be engulfed in flames. The only way to prevent this is by ensuring there are no gas leaks or other safety hazards around your tank.

Homeowners often ignore the warning signs that they have a problem with their septic system and will continue to live in their homes without adequate treatment services. Call Brown Aerobic Service Company to schedule a service call if you need septic tank repair or maintenance services in Houston, TX.